Monday, September 26, 2011

The Power Of Red

Sometimes, the best way to react to rough day is a little retail therapy. But what happens on the days when your bank account isn't in support of your need for that new pair of heels after not getting that job promotion? The trick is a good red lipstick.

During The Great Depression, cosmetic sales rose 25 percent and it was more likely for a household to own a tube of lipstick than a jar of mustard. If a lady couldn't afford a new dress, she could easily freshen up her look and pick up her mood with her lipstick of choice.

During WWII, lipstick was considered part of the war effort, promoting femininity and boosting morale for the women wearing it and the men looking at them. The Marines even had Estee Lauder's "Montezuma Red" and Revlon's "Certainly Red" as part of women's uniforms.

Although most of us don't consider lipstick a part of our uniform and probably have mustard in our refrigerator, there is something we can take from women of both The Great Depression and World War II. 

When times are hard, glam it up!

Because nothing says confident,


and sexy

like a well done pair of red lips.

Tips For Your Lips

1. When wearing red, tone down the rest of your look.
Keep your eyes light and wear a touch of blush to keep your face from looking too harsh.
2. Choose the right color.
If your complexion is a pink tone, go with plum based reds. If you are more of a yellow undertone, warmer reds with brown undertones will be the most flattering.
3. Line your lips.
Reds tend to feather out and bleed, so line your lips to avoid a faded look.
I often use my liner on all of my lips as a base to keep the color vibrant.
4. Avoid getting lipstick on your teeth.
The best way I've found is to stick my index finger in my mouth, close lips around it, and then pull out your finger. Excess lipstick will be on your finger instead of the inside of your lips.
5. The older, the lighter.
As you start to age, it's important to lighten your lipstick shades. Our lips start to become smaller over time, and wearing dark colors accentuate lines and create a harsh look.

so just like the ladies before us, when in doubt, go red!

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