Audrey Hepburn once said “It seems to me that it is within the reach of every woman to develop a similar individuality of style by learning to know herself.” As is usually the case when it comes to style, Audrey, of course, was right. There are three main rules every fashionista must follow; know your body, know yourself, and learn how to flatter both.
Creating your own look goes far beyond the newest pair of shoes or the next great handbag. Style is about perfecting your silhouette from your A line bob to the tip of your stiletto, and every curve in between. Along with body type, everyone also has their own face shape. If recreating your style seems a bit overwhelming, your hair is a great place to start with the help of your stylist. Having no shape to your hair can defeat the purpose of even the perfect outfit, while often a great haircut can give you the confidence you need to carry an overall look.
Once your hair is getting you a fair amount of double-takes, move on to the rest of your figure. One of the best ways to learn how to flatter your shape is to first identify it, and then to find a celebrity with a build similar to your own. For instance, if you are 5’2” and a slender build, Beyonce is probably not the match for you, but Natalie Portman might be. Sometimes it’s easier to see what works and what doesn’t on someone other than yourself.
Next is to make this look your very own. The best way to express your personal style is in colors, fun prints, and unique jewelry. Often big trends are moderate if not completely unflattering to almost all body types, so avoid getting carried away in each season and focus more on statement pieces like a bold scarf or an fabulous vintage necklace.
The more familiar you become with the first two steps, the easier the third one will get for you. As every well dressed woman knows and Victoria Beckham once stated, “Looking good isn’t about money, it’s about style. And style never goes out of fashion.” So take that style, and make it yours, because one of the first steps to feeling good is knowing you look good. So go on, know yourself, love yourself, and shine.
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